I spent last night stood on the High Street in the pissing rain while a bunch of tractors pulling trailers loaded with local misfits blasting out Worzels songs and dancing as if pissed as a fart on cider, which Read more

Widdlehole’s independent petrol station cheapest in the entire of the UK!
Local residents were left enraged earlier this week when the local news outlet Devon Live published a list of the cheapest petrol prices in Devon.
Up until last week, local residents were enjoying petrol at the old prices because Read more

Back garden dig finds ancient Widdlehole railway system
Archaeologists were stunned to find evidence of a 7,000-year-old railway system in the back garden of Mr & Mrs Joly-Bumblefrippari on the outskirts of Widdlehole last month.
The local Boy Scouts were helping in a back garden dig for Read more

UFO spotted over Widdlehole at Spring Equinox
On March 21st at 5.47am, local Tesco manager Hugh Janus was opening up shop when he looked up into the sky after hearing a strange noise. What he saw was “A real life, honest to God UFO,” Janus told Read more

Local supermarket crucify effigy of Santa on fence between them and Didl’s
The local supermarket giant whose name sounds like Bescos has gone even further in it’s deliberate bid to anger shoppers and residents who have supported their store for years.
You may recall how we reported yesterday that the superstore Read more

Tesco are pathetic little tossers say Didl’s
Residents of Widdlehole are furious because the path between the local Tesco store and the new Didl’s mega mart has been blocked.
“A fence has been erected by the supermarket giant that blocks the footpath between the two stores!” Read more

Local schoolboy solves ‘free energy’ puzzle
It may seem almost too good to be true but a school boy from Widdlehole has become the youngest recipient of the Nobel Prize for Ecology by solving a complex problem of physics which, he says, should be able Read more

Motorists face prison just for running out of fuel.
As rations are being placed on pumps across the united kingdom, you should make sure you’re aware of related driving laws that could land you in prison.
Drivers are being reminded (by the media who started the panic buying) Read more

Stone festival off to a flying start.
Following on from the success of last months Tree festival, this week sees the start of the Stone Festival.
Some locals feel it is just milking a concept, and that there is no need for a celebration of stones Read more

Local residents now panic buying rolls of tin foil.
Local department store Bindles didn’t receive their normal delivery of baking foil this week prompting them to have a couple of empty spaces on the shelves and a “Sorry out of stock” notice.
Unfortunately this coincided with the weekly Read more